Thursday, July 10, 2008

For All You Crazies...

I wonder if any of you have that little voice in your head screaming, "FOLD, FOLD, FOLD!!!!" anytime you see a piece of clean clothing? Well, evidently you aren't alone.

Here is an article that was in the Wall Street Journal - Excuse Me, Do You Work Here? No, I Just Need to Fold Clothes.

And, here's a video to go along with it:


Unknown said...

Ben, you don't seem to fold the clothes that have been in the laundry basket for a day in our family room right now. Maybe you haven't seen it yet!

Unknown said...

I thought you were going to get those ones. I will jump right on it. Besides, I am definitely NOT someone who hears the folding voices!

Heidi said...

So what inspired you to even post this?
Are you just experimenting with your blog?