Here is the newest Sunday posting. Short and simple -
What did the Savior mean when he said, "The light of the body is the eye...?"
House Projects
8 years ago
"Spirituality is the consciousness of victory over self, and of communion with the infinite." - David O. McKay
Here is the newest Sunday posting. Short and simple -
What did the Savior mean when he said, "The light of the body is the eye...?"
Posted by
9:14 PM
You can often tell if a person is full of light or darkness by looking them in the eye. The eyes are "the windows to the soul." When you look into the prophet's and apostles' eyes, or any righteous person's eyes for that matter, you can see the image of Christ.
On that note, as the prophet of the restoration I have a few parting comments. First, pay your tithing McKenzie. Second, Steve, you are the man, you are supposed to be the leader of your household, not your wife. Third, Ben, teach Jared not to sucker punch his uncle's nuts while he's not looking, then we may say that he is a well-behaved child. Fourth, Dionne, quit giving Matt a hard time about his weight...he's diabetic and he can't help it. And last but certainly not least, you all would be wise to follow my good and faithful servant Matt. Although he is not the oldest brother (like myself or Nephi), if you follow his path it will lead you straight to Celestial glory.
Ben's blog reminded me of something. I read the book about the couple that took all those school kids hostage in Cokeville, Wy about 30 years ago. It was very interesting and included all the eyewitness accounts of the teachers and children. Many of them described how cold and blank the eyes of the man holding them captive were. When a person has reached that level of evil it seems as though the light of Christ has totally withdrawn. The website FAMILYWATCHDOG lists registered sexual predators throughout the country along with their pictures. It really gives me the chills to see the coldness in their eyes and reinforces the notion that the eyes really are the windows to the soul. I am really grateful for the "Twinkle" I see in all your eyes. I love you all, Mom
Where do you guys get the notion that I am not the leader of the house?
Steve, I just think you and Matt have a different definition for "leader of the household." Matt's definition consists of ignoring the kids all night while playing video games, watching TV, and getting yelled at by Dionne.
it's like when Cal & I were flying out of Dallas and the general authority came over and sat next to me. I had never seen him (Wayne Petersen), but there was something about him that struck me and I told Cal...."I'll bet this guy is a GA," and about 10 min later he started reading the B of M right there at the gate-then later that day, I looked him up...sure nuff
Ouch! Anonymous is getting personal.
First of all...I didn't write the 1st posted comment, that was Joseph Smith, so don't blame me. Second, I can't help it if I agree with ever word he wrote...Great minds think alike. Third, if I ever find out who "anonymous" is...Well, I guess I can't say anything because the truth is the truth. But at least I pay an honest 6.5% tithing.
Please, allow me to impart you with some wisdom..the opposite of light is darkness which has several meanings. Darkness is that which separates us from God, the difference between man and God (nature of man vs. nature of God), or it acts as a veil. As man makes his "journey" back to God he either moves towards increasing darkness or light. Overcoming darkness/veil depends on one's ability to see. Our physical eyes function as an organ of vision that detects light allowing us to distinguish shapes, colors, and objects. But, at birth our eyes are undeveloped and sight requires the development of the eye and light. So it is with our spiritual eyes. Spiritual eyes begin minimally and must be developed through-faith, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, increasing knowledge, and repentance. D&C 88:67-68 "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things. Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, and the days will come that you shall see him; for he will unveil his face unto you." So, it is necessary to have a gradual and progressive development of the spiritual eyes to see God as he is-D&C 110:1-3 "The veil was taken from our minds....eyes of our understanding were opened...we saw the Lord...eyes were as a flame of fire..." Moses 1:11, "But mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my spiritual eyes...."
FYI Joseph Smith Jr. was not the oldest brother, nor was Nephi, retard...
McKenzie, you need to reread Joseph Smith Jr.'s (Matt's) post. He actually said that they were NOT the eldest brothers. I think you need to retract your comment before someone asks "Who's the retard now?" This suggestions is offered very lovingly by your mother
Mckenzie, I forgive you of your callous statement, for I am full of light. Nathan, although I only made it through about half of your post, I'm sure it was very enlightening...However, once you started quoting scripture, I was turned off. I already got my weekly 15 min. scripture read in on Monday.
Matthew, I mean Joseph, I sincerely apologize, for I too only skimmed your comment, not paying close attention to detail. I only hope you will forgive me for calling you a retard. I appreciate your advice and will pay my 6.5%, just as I should. I need to take out a loan to do so, however, so could you please loan me some money?
Will do...However, I will have to check your credit score to make sure that is still isn't below 300 and it will be about 25% interest. Call me if interested.
Matt, I believe the word retard was harsh and is a socially undesirable stigma. So, to help you come to grips with reality we should say you have intellectual disabilities. I can vouch for it, I saw you numerous of times at Utah State riding the short bus and going to "special" needs classes...I don't see a problem with your nephew hitting you in the nuts since you are hung like a gerbil, should feel like a fly landed on you when it happens.
Twinkle in your eye, light of the body is the eye......... nuts, retards, gerbils hmmmm?
Ben and Nate, you have both just totally corrupted this blog. I feel as if I have lost all of my light just from reading your comments. Also, you guys should both personally know, it's not the size of the boat that matters, it's the motion in the ocean...even though I'm working with the titanic and you guys both have little dingys.
Matt, I'm not sure why you are bringing me into this slime and muck. I haven't made any comments.
I came home from work and expected my wife to greet me with love and open arms with a kiss. That was not the case. Immediately my wife said that I am too vulgar and not setting a good example for those who read Ben’s blog. So, let me apologize to those I have offended and will continue to offend (ouch! Katie just hit me)…so let me continue-Matt, there wasn't much light for you to lose. Plus, our comments do relate to light. It’s a question rather than insight. When does your gerbil like thing see the light and how do you clean it with 1.5 inches of blubber hanging down (generous estimate-probably more like 4 inches)? And according to history, the titanic sunk and could never get up.
Nate, I think that Matt has finally met his match. Thanks for the chuckle and keep them coming. p.s. I saw a House Hunters episode on HGTV which showed a great little town outside of Mobile. I think the name of it was Daphne and The homes were very affordable, particularly compared to Utah. It looked like a great family area. Good luck with the move. It sound exciting and I envy you as I really miss the South.
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