Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ahhhhh....Can't Help It!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I HAVE to post this! I promise I won't post politics too often. In fact, I have plans to start a new political site.


Now, combine this video with the results from John Zogby's post election poll (found this on HotAir.com):

The poll surveyed over 500 self-professed Obama voters and has an MOE of 4.4%, with 55% having a college degree and over 90% having a high-school diploma.  It asked 12 multiple-choice questions; only 2.4% got at least 11 correct. Only .5% got all them correct.

  • 57.4 could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)
  • 81.8 could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)
  • 82.6 could NOT correctly say that Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)
  • 88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)
  • 56.1 % could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).And yet…..
  • Only 13.7% failed to identify Palin as the person their party spent $150,000 in clothes
  • Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter
  • And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It Starts With the Heart - Part III

Read Part I by clicking HERE.

Read Part II by clicking HERE.

I will focus on one gift that comes with finding and following the voice of the Lord - and I will do it by recounting something I recently read about the LDS handcart pioneers.

The Bunker Company was the third company to leave Iowa City, and because most of the members did not keep a record, not much is known about their experience. However, 21 year-old Priscilla Evans does give us a little glimpse. At one point, she describes the condition of those with whom she shared a tent each night:

"There were in our tent a man with one leg (my husband), two blind, Thomas Giles being one of them, one man with one arm, and a widow with five children."

This is the account from ONE tent (there were about 10-11 tents in the company with about 20 people in each tent) - and this is not to mention the overall sickness and weakness that seemed so prevalent with the immigrants.

And, here you have Edward Bunker, their leader, staring at the challenge and responsibility of taking these Saints 1300 miles on foot while pulling handcarts.

Now, I want you to picture me - but, picture me with your spiritual eyes. You will see a soul that is not much different than the physical condition of those Saints in the Bunker Company - battered, bruised, scarred. In fact, when we look at each other with our spiritual eyes, this will be the case. This is the natural consequence of our involvement in the fight against evil and sin. Remember, ALL of Helaman's 2000 were wounded, yet none were fatally wounded.

So, here's my question:

Will you be my Edward Bunker? Will you help carry my battered soul to Zion? I have covenanted to do that for you.

That is the gift that I wish to emphasize - CHARITY. The ability to look at others with our spiritual eyes, assess how we can help them, then do as we have covenanted to do.

Parley Pratt was able to do this for Thomas Giles, one of the blind men in Priscilla's tent. He was traveling with his wife, two sons, and a baby daughter. His daughter died early on. And, near Fort Bridger, he finally collapsed with illness. The party waited two days in hope that he would recover, but they had to move on. With 2 men left behind to bury Thomas when he died, Parly Pratt came upon the men on his way out east. Parly knew Giles from his time in Wales. He gave him a priesthood blessing:

"that he should instantly be healed and made well, that he should rejoin his company and arrive safely in the Salt Lake Valley; that he should there rear a family, and that because of his faithfulness he would be permitted to live as long as he wanted."

All the promises were fulfilled.

In closing, I would like to share a poem that certainly applies to the church as a whole. But, it also applies to each of our souls:

Line upon line
The stone was cut.
Angelic voices from on high
Confirm the truth, "The Lord is nigh!"

Precept upon precept
Without hands.
The gathering words are assured,
As Zion's beauty and people endured.

Here a little, there a little
Until the stone rolled forth.
Sending the wicked asunder
Leaving all to witness the marvelous work and wonder.

In our lives, if we faithfully follow the divine process of earning light to our souls, the coming of the Lord will occur - it will occur in our hearts and in our daily lives. Then, WE will be a marvelous work and wonder of the Lord.

I love the Holy Ghost and all He does for me.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It Starts With the Heart - Part II

In case you missed Part I, click here to read it.

So, how does this process work - the ability to feel and follow the voice of the Lord?

We now know it starts with the heart. Then, our spirits our affected, as well as our minds. But, what happens after that?

Well, we then begin to depend on His voice more often, so we pray more earnestly to know His will. We pray for that which He would have us pray:

"And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus prayed unto the Father, he came unto his disciples, and behold, they did still continue, without ceasing, to pray unto him; and they did not multiply many words, for it was given unto them what they should pray, and they were filled with desire" (3 Ne. 19:24).

You'll notice, after we pray for what is meant for us, we are "filled with desire." Being filled with righteous desire is a definite indication of our own spiritual maturity and progression. However, just being filled with righteous desire does not make us good servants. In fact, without the next step, our righteous desire will quickly disappear.

In order to progress, we must seek to live by every word:

"And I now give unto you a commandment to beware concerning yourselves, to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life. For you shall live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God" (D&C 84:43-44).

As we live according to our righteous desire, we are filled with more light - we learn more truth:

"For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ" (D&C 84:45).

As we gain more light to our souls, we become more uncomfortable with the dark things of the world - AND, the dark things of the world become more uncomfortable with us:

"The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth. Light and truth forsake that evil one" (D&C 93:36-37).

Then, line upon line, truth upon truth, light upon light - we GROW. We grow closer to Him until the time arrives when we are with Him and we are ONE with Him:

"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day" (D&C 50:24).

So, how does this process work in your life in particular? Only one real way to find out - Dig in and experience it.

If we choose to participate in this process, we are blessed with so many different gifts. In Part III, I will focus on just one -

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It Starts With the Heart - Part I

I KNOW God lives. I KNOW it. I KNOW Joseph Smith was called by my Savior to form again an organization - a group of people willing to be obedient to eternal, everlasting laws and truths; a covenant society here on Earth, whose purpose is to combat evil and return home safely to our Heavenly Father. I know these truths by the pure power of the Holy Ghost.

Gaining this knowledge was a process.

It starts with our hearts - That's what our Savior taught the Nephites just before his personal visit. And, remember, he is speaking to those who were spared because they were the more righteous part of the people:

"O ye house of Israel whom I have spared, how oft will I gather you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if ye will repent and return unto me with full purpose of heart"
 (3 Ne. 10:6).

Notice, even the more righteous part of the people were required to have:
  1. A repentant heart
  2. A "fully purposed" heart
So, let's pause and evaluate our own hearts. How do our hearts measure up? Ask ourselves, "Is my heart all-in? Am I dedicated to serving my Savior with ALL my heart?"

Once our hearts are repentant and filled with His purpose, what happens to us?

The Lord tells us in Ezekial:

"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgements, and do them" (Ezek. 36:26-27).

So, once we commit to allowing our hearts to change, and once we commit IN our hearts to serve with full purpose of heart, the Lord blesses us with two specific changes:

A New Heart -

This new heart, we are taught, is a soft heart. And, ironically, our NEW hearts will always be BROKEN hearts. Elder Bruce Porter taught, "When our hearts are broken, we are completely open to the Spirit of God and recognize our dependence on Him for all that we have and all that we are" (Ensign, Nov. 2007, p. 31).

A New Spirit -

Now that our hearts are soft and broken, we are prepared and able to FEEL the Savior's guidance. When we have His spirit with us, we are able to feel HIS thoughts and we are able to FEEL His testimony. And, that is what motivates us to walk in HIS statutes and keep HIS judgements. We have a feeling of dependence on Him.

When we feel dependent on someone, communication with that individual is vital. The Nephites understood this. In chapter 19, their hearts, at this point, were changed and their spirits were new. They had felt the Savior's presence. They truly felt dependent upon his guidance. They knew they had to be able to constantly communicate with Him. So, what did this group of Nephites pray for? What did they most desire?

"And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given them" (3 Ne. 19:9).

They wanted to FEEL the voice of God. They did not want to talk to God. They wanted to speak with God.

THAT is the essence of the Holy Ghost - He allows us the ability to speak with our Father in Heaven with Christ as our mediator. Notice that all 3 members of the Godhead are deeply involved in the communication process, indicating just how important this communication is to our salvation.

In fact, the ONLY way we achieve our potential is by feeling, and then following, the voice of Him whom we seek to be with and seek to be like. It is the only way.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear Ben's Blog

Dear Ben's Blog:

I miss your funny family stories and pictures. I miss the mini attacks we had going in the comments section. I thought you were a man of your word. You said no more youtubes and political postings. May your wittiness come back! I think the readers miss it.


A Bored Reader

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"See, now it's locked in place"..."Actually I didn't have it locked."

Sorry, had to do it - Courtesy of Jennifer Williams. The lady laughing at him is classic.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"We uhhh, may need emergency surgery in the studio.."

I had to post this...I wonder how many they sold after this?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wyoming Trip

So, here's the story, albeit short, of our weekend trip to the newly finished Wyoming cabin:

We were in the car for a total of 2 minutes and 37 seconds when Jared and Rowan simultaneously said, “I need to go to the bathroom. I really, really need to go.” “Yeah, me too, me too.” And you thought this stuff only happens in movies!

But, it was a good thing we went back, because we forgot Rowan’s shoes! Nice going mom and dad.

Once we finally hit the road, it was “road trips as usual” –
  • Way too much candy
  • A lot of hoping for a long nap from Reese
  • Kids begging for lame gas station toys
  • Several games of “I Spy” in which Rowan, when it is his turn to spy, reveals his answer after one person makes a guess –
  • Rowan: “I spy wiff my wittle eye somfin bwue.”
  • Wendy: “Is it the duffel bag?”
  • Rowan: “No, it’s the MAP!”

We made our way through Park City (pretty drive) and Evanston (not so pretty), then onto Star Valley (pretty again). Here is the view as you pull up to the driveway to the newly built cabin (the cabin is that white spot tucked behind the trees):

The air was fresh, crisp, and smelled like pine…until Reese did a number in her diaper. No worries about mountain lions and bears for at least 1 hour.

Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse…Friday night, Wendy was hit with some sort of stomach virus. So, she was out of commission for the day.

Leaving our fallen hero, the kids and I took a 4 wheeler ride through the property and up to the mountains behind the house.

We went to the park for lunch. Everyone had fun, except for little Michael. There's a lot going on in the video, but watch the right right steering wheel:

Later that night, I felt a little like Michael. You see, Wendy kindly passed her virus in my direction. So, Saturday, I was the one up all night participating in activities (that I will not mention) related to a vicious stomach virus. Jared also got the virus, but he was much tougher than mom and dad. We’re just glad it was only a 24 hour virus. 

All that being said, we all had fun and can’t wait to get back.

Reese & Company

I thought it was so funny how she kept throwing the pebbles on the slide. Then, watch how she claps after the others slide through the rocks. Funny to me, maybe cause I'm the papa.

Friday, September 26, 2008

BTW - Political Postings - GONE

I have removed most of the political stuff. However, I did leave a few of the postings about John McCain, which may leave many of you wondering for whom I will vote. I have also left a couple that I think are funny.

I did this for a couple of reasons:

  1. Most of you don't care about politics enough to be interested in the postings.
  2. Some of you don't agree with my views, and I love my friends more than politics.

I will most likely start a new blog/website that will be purely political.


Okay, so I have had several requests for more storytelling. I realize most of my recent posts have been one of the following:

  • Regurgitated news clips and videos
  • Pleas for help in creating content
  • REALLY quick updates

The sad part is, the last few months have presented some really great stuff I could have shared.

So, here's my commitment for this weekend's trip to Wyoming -

"I will get at least one story and several pictures."

So, stay tuned and wish me luck!

In the meantime, you can always read the older stories...right??  :  )

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Funny Palin Spoof

Touchdown Celebration

Pretty good touchdown celebration...

Electric Storm

A buddy sent this in an email-thought it was cool:

Two of nature's most spectacular forces produced an incredible brew in the skies ofChile as a volcanic eruption met a lightning storm. Tons of dust and ash from the eruption of the Chaiten volcano poured into the night sky just as an electric storm passed overhead. The resulting collision created a spectacular sight as lightning flickered around the dust cloud amid the orange glow of the volcano.

The eruption was all the more spectacular because the Chaiten volcano, 800 miles(1,290km) south of Santiago, has been dormant for hundreds, if not thousandsof years. The Patagonian volcano began erupting on Friday and the 12-mile-high plumehas left vast tracts of land coated with a layer of ash.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Favorite Sites - Additions

Here are the sites that were added to the list today (so far):

  • Tjoos
  • American Thinker
  • Drudge Report
  • Hot Air

Blog Roll

I am going to add a blog roll to this site. So, if you would like me to include your blog and/or a really cool blog you love, let me know in the comments. Also, any cool sites - shoot them my way.

I Need Bloggers...

Are any of you interested in becoming a blogger on this blog? I would love to add some other bloggers. I think it would be fun. Let me know in the comments section if you would like to add your wisdom, insight, humor, etc.

Quick Update

Here are a few updates:

  • We have moved to Highland, UT
  • Jared is in 1st grade
  • Rowan is in pre-school
  • Reese is still REALLY cute
  • Wendy is still REALLY hot

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Law Professors and Campaign Contributions

I think this data from the Tax Prof Blog is interesting. This is actually pretty useful information for someone deciding on which law school to attend (assuming they want to attend one of the listed schools).

I am actually pleasantly surprised by some of the schools. Northwestern shocked me! I would have thought Duke would be a little more conservative.

Also, it is kind of interesting to look at the dollar amounts. For instance, the the 8.1% of republican donors at Georgetown almost matched the 100% of democrat donors at UPenn. Anyway, thought some (probably not all) of you would find this interesting.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


What happens when you put lipstick on a donkey?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Megyn Kelly v. Uhhh...Duhhh

I thought this was entertaining. Just think, this dude has a job as a SENIOR EDITOR! Like most liberals, they didn't have time for the facts. Pretty embarrassing for his mom.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Google Browser

FINALLY!! Google has created an internet browser. Is is called Google Chrome. So, if you are sick and tired of the lame Windows Internet Explorer and all of its bugs, download Chrome.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Food Storage Video

Wow, it has been a long time since the last post. The move has kept us busy. Here is a clip I thought many of you would find interesting:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thomas Jefferson's Government v. Today's America

Awhile ago, I bought a book called Speeches That Changed the World. It's a neat book and this morning I read something that I thought many of you would enjoy. It is an excerpt from Thomas Jefferson's 1801 inaugural address (the entire speech is a must read for all Americans).

Here is an excerpt that I found especially relevant to our current situation in relation to how our country's government is behaving.

"Let us, then, with courage and confidence pursue our own Federal and Republican principles, our attachment to union and representative government. Kindly separated by nature and a wide ocean from the exterminating havoc of one quarter of the globe; too high-minded to endure the degradations of the others; possessing a chosen country, with room enough for our descendants to the thousandth and thousandth generation; entertaining a due sense of our equal right to the use of our own faculties, to the acquisitions of our own industry, to honour and confidence from our fellow-citizens, resulting not from birth, but from our actions and their sense of them; enlightened by a benign religion, professed indeed, and practiced in various forms, yet all of them inculcating honesty, truth, temperance, gratitude, and the love of man; acknowledging and adoring an overruling Providence, which by all its dispensations proves that it delights in the happiness of man here and his greater happiness hereafter - with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow citizens - a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labour the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities."

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

For All You Crazies...

I wonder if any of you have that little voice in your head screaming, "FOLD, FOLD, FOLD!!!!" anytime you see a piece of clean clothing? Well, evidently you aren't alone.

Here is an article that was in the Wall Street Journal - Excuse Me, Do You Work Here? No, I Just Need to Fold Clothes.

And, here's a video to go along with it:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Lessons from "Trouble"

Yesterday, something happened in our family that most of you can appreciate.

It started yesterday morning. We went to Target to buy a birthday present for a birthday party that was planned for later in the afternoon. While at Target, in addition to buying the present for the party, we decided to buy a new game for our family. We chose "Trouble" with the pop-o-matic bubble - a classic, simple, and fun game.

As soon as we got home, the boys wanted to play - ALL the boys. And, it wasn't long before Jared brought out the true meaning of the game's name - TROUBLE, because he was in it.

Like his dad, he is a pretty competitive person, so when he couldn't pop the number "6" to release his pieces into play, he couldn't handle it. He started wiggin' out and crying. And, not just a normal whining cry, but the kind of cry that makes you think someone just died. Jared is an emotional kid, but this wasn't normal. I told him if he didn't calm down he couldn't play. He tried to compose himself by wiping his tears and stifling his cries. His turn came again - he popped a "2" and freaked out all over again. I sent him to his room.

Rowan and I kept playing, but I was still trying to figure out why Jared was acting so funny about the whole thing.

After about 5 minutes Jared came back downstairs. I told him he could have one more chance. His first turn - a "2." His lip quivered and his face reddened, but he held it in. His next turn - a "2." That was it - here we go again! I couldn't believe it. I almost think he couldn't either. He just couldn't help it. So, up to his room he went again, this time to Rowan's chorus of "Jawed is crwing wike a wittle baaaby! Ha, ha, ha..."

While Jared was up in his room pouting, I told him he wasn't allowed to go to the birthday party because of the way he was acting. I told him he needed to figure out how to fix his mess. That killed him.

Fast forward 10 minutes. He was back downstairs apologizing and doing the things that he knew he should be doing in order to get what he wanted - the party. But, it was the kind of apology any parent can related to - the "I'm only saying this because I know if I don't I can't go to the party" apology. Nope, not what I was looking for.

The party was to begin at 4:00, but Wendy was leaving early to help set up. So, around 3:15ish, Wendy was out the door with the other 2 kids and Jared was absolutely BEGGING to go with her. He was crying and begging as fervently as I have ever seen. He wanted to go so badly. And, it was actually really tough for me to resist giving in. But, I didn't. I just told him, "No, you can't go because you haven't fixed your mess. You need to think about why you are in trouble and how you can fix it."

Silence for the next 5 minutes. I watched him from the corner of my eye, and I could see his energy changing. As he slowed down and stepped back to think about, it seemed like he realized that his actions were unacceptable. And, I think he started to feel bad about the way he acted.

Finally, he just came over and sat by me. He said he was sorry for what he did, and this time I felt like he meant it. He never again asked to go to the party. He accepted the fact that he wasn't going and realized that it was his fault.

Jared wasn't the only one who learned a lot from this. For me, this was a profound experience. I learned something as a father, but I learned the most as a son.

At one point, while Jared was crying and begging me to go to the party, I said a little prayer, asking, "What should I do? How can I teach him something right now?" I immediately had a very distinct thought come to my mind:

"Is this how my Heavenly Father feels about me at times?" That one thought led me to this -

When I go through life, am I doing things for the right reason in the right spirit? In other words, do I really understand what I am to be doing and how I should be interacting with my Father in Heaven at the deepest levels? Or, am I just doing certain things because I know they are what I am suppose to do in order to get what I want - eternal life?

My testimony was strengthened regarding the following principle - Going through the motions is never sufficient or acceptable.

Just as I didn't accept Jared's attempt to go through the motions, my Heavenly Father can't accept my behavior when I am going through the motions. He cannot consecrate it. Sure, I may be saying my prayers morning and night. But, am I really participating at the level I know I need to in order to feel His spirit and direction? Yeah, I may be reading my scriptures everyday, and feeling the Spirit while I do so, but am I constantly seeking the Spirit while I am reading in order to learn what I need to learn? Am I fasting properly? Am I serving as well as I am capable? Am I sharing the gospel as much as I should?

I need to allow Him to teach me, and the only way that can happen is if I am completely honest in my intentions. Going through the motions isn't being honest with Him - this prevents him from being able to influence my life in a pure and profound way - that is why he can't accept us going through the motions. He simply CAN'T teach us unless our intentions are pure. Had I given in to Jared when he was begging, he would have learned the incorrect lesson. I would have led him down the wrong path. Heavenly Father's role as the is to guide us on Earth, and he won't accept anything less - so, He can't accept our intentions unless they are humble and pure. Otherwise, He would be leading us down the wrong path.

Just like Jared - when his energy changed and he was honest with himself about the situation, he was teachable. And, as badly as I wanted to give in, because I knew how important it was to him, I knew it wasn't in his best interest - not until he learned from it.

Our Father in Heaven KNOWS when our intentions are pure. Surely His love leads him to feel a delicate compassion for us when we are crying and begging, but he cannot give in until we learn how to sincerely bend to His will. Then, and only then, can He bless us with whatever we need.

It is my goal to constantly scrutinize my own behavior to make sure I am not going through the motions. I need to be completely honest with my Heavenly Father. Only then can I learn from Him.

I am grateful for a son on Earth and a Father in Heaven who both taught me this lesson.

And, Jared was able to make the party.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Why Does Marriage Make Sense? Look in the garage.

Is your garage clean? Are you married? If the answer to both questions is "yes," then chances are you are happily married – If you are single and have a clean garage, you need to find a hobby.

"Huh? What are you talking about Dr. Ben?" Well, I will tell you a story to illustrate.

About 4 months ago a beautiful young woman decided that she wanted her garage to be nice, clean, and organized. She even wanted that special garage floor epoxy coating. So, Wendy Sally called to get a bid on the cost for coating her garage floor.

"Uh, yes ma'am, we have a special seasonal discount that you can take advantage of, but only if you jump on it within the next 3 SECONDS!! $2500 doll…." [click].

Sally decided that she wasn't in the mood to get bamboozled, at least not on that day. (That's not to say that the next recovering meth addict that knocks on the front door selling magazines won't have a shot. Or the next 14 year old runaway selling plastic horse toys and cap guns for $20 a pop won't find a buyer). So, she decided to talk to me her husband Sven (looks a lot like Brad Pitt).

"It's the garage. I don't think we need to worry about having a garage with a floor that we can eat off of. Let's just get some cabinets, install them, and organize the bikes and stuff." – Sven

"Yeah, but I want a nice, clean garage. There are spiders and stuff out there. I want to do all that other stuff, too, but let's also get the floor done." – Sally

"No, it's not worth it. I don't think we need to worry about that right now." – Sven

"What should we have for dinner tonight?" – Sally [Woman-Speak Translation: I will have to devise another plan of attack, but I know one thing – WE ARE GETTING THAT GARAGE COATED.]

So, the months passed and both of them didn't put too much thought into the garage, accept when they hit their shins on the crossbar of a kids bicycle. Or, when they twisted their ankle on a Razor scooter blocking the doorway. Or, when they tripped over the pile of coats laying on the garage floor from 2 months ago. Or, when it took 15 minutes to find a 2 ½ inch screw needed to hang a picture. Or, when….[going on forever and ever].

Then, one day Sven came home from the office to find all of the stuff that was IN the garage OUT of the garage in the driveway.

"I thought this weekend would be a good time to clean the garage." – Sally [Woman-Speak Translation: Ha, ha sucker. You thought I forgot about this whole project, but now you don't have a choice but to do it!]

"Wow, that's crazy you did that. I guess I don't really have a choice now." – Sven

"Yeah, and I was thinking that we could just apply that (pointing at 3 boxes of garage floor coating kits and a pressure washer) while we are at it." – Sally

"Hmmm…" – Sven [Man-Speak Translation: What the!!! What was she thinking? I had plans to do something else, anything else. Man, now I have to be out here for 3 days in the heat, and all for a garage!]

Needless to say, Sven fired up the pressure washer and went to work. After about 2 minutes of playing with the pressure washer, he began to enjoy it. It was kind of therapeutic. In fact, the entire project began to grow on him and he started getting excited about it.

3 days later, the floors were covered with a shiny new epoxy coating and the garage smelled like a new car. Sven and Sally were both happy and fulfilled with their project. Sven realized that had he not been married, he would have never done the project. So, all the credit goes to Sally except for most of the work, like the whole process of cleaning and coating the garage floor.

For a step-by-step explanation on the process of coating your garage floor, see below...

Steps To A Coated Garage Floor


  1. Wait for your wife to take most of the stuff out of the garage and leave it in the driveway, except for the heavy stuff. That's your responsibility.
  2. Try to think of as many excuses as possible to get out of the project, then realize you are trapped like an itty-bitty mouse – a little, hungry, innocent mouse looking for cheese when all of a sudden BAM!!! – Your head is caught in a massively strong trap. MOST OF YOUR STUFF IS OUT ON THE DRIVEWAY!
  3. You look at the pressure washer and start to realize the possibility that there may be some fun involved. But wait, wipe the drool and hold off – it's not time yet.
  4. You have to move all the heavy stuff that your wife couldn't move out into the driveway. (NOTE: I would recommend doing this project during a mild weather month, but I would be wasting my time since you are not the one planning the project).
  5. Okay, NOW you can fire up the pressure washer and have at it.
  6. Let the floor dry.
  7. Pressure wash it again! Why not? It's fun.
  8. While the floor is still damp, pour the acid etching on the wet floor and scub with a firm brush. It doesn't take too long and you will get a nice workout on your arms and back. Not to mention the calorie burn.
  9. Pressure wash it again! This time be sure to get all the etching rinsed off. By now, your garage floor will be clean enough to eat off of. And, it will smell pretty nice too.
  10. Now, you have to let the floor dry. It should be completely dry before you apply the coating. Notice how I said should be completely dry. Because of the extensive pressure washing, it may take a little longer than normal to dry. (Here's hoping that mine was dry enough - there were some spots that were questionable.) If you need an excuse to watch a game on Saturday, just tell your wife that you are worried that the floor isn't dry enough yet.
  11. As night approaches, move your valuables into the house or backyard. Tomorrow is Saturday and there will many dawn breaking garage-salers perusing the neighborhood for bargains. They may see your stuff and decide that FREE is the best bargain they will find. It may be a good idea to park your cars in the driveway to help shield the stuff.


  1. If necessary, continue to let the garage dry. Depending on your climate, it may take longer. We live in a humid area, so that made a difference on drying time.
  2. Tape off the necessary areas. (No, your wife's mouth doesn't count – kidding, of course).
  3. Bust out the floor coating kit. We bought ours at Home Depot. It was the Rustoleum brand and the cost was around $60 per kit. Each kit is enough for a 1 car garage and has the etching, coating, and activator. I also know that Sherwin Williams has their floor coating product.
  4. You will mix the activator into the coating and stir for 3 minutes. Then, you will want one person to start painting the edges, corners, and ledges.
  5. While one person is working on the edges and corners, begin rolling the floor in 5x5 sections. After each 5x5 section toss the included paint chips in the air for decoration.

The project really doesn't take that many man hours and is easy to do. I can't believe people can charge $2500 to do a 3 car garage.

**You actually don't need a pressure washer to do this. It just makes it more enjoyable.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Family Planning

I read a great article in latest issue of LDS Living magazine. I was by the popular LDS author Marrilee Boyack.

She starts the article off with:

Few parents of my acquaintance have an actual overall plan for raising
their children. They have a vague idea that they will feed and clothe their
children and watch them until they grow big enough that the government says it’s
legal to send them out on their own. Perhaps somewhere along the line they might
teach them a thing or two. But most parents simply approach parenting on a
day-to-day basis...

To begin with The Plan, you need to start with the end in mind. Think back
for a moment to when you first left home, perhaps for college or a mission or a
job and apartment. When you moved out, what did you not know how to do? What
came as a surprise to you? I can remember several things: I had never had a
checking account, never taken care of a car, never made my own doctor’s
appointments, and on and on. Spend a few minutes and come up with a list of
things that you suddenly had to scramble to learn how to do.

It got me thinking about all the stuff I want my kids to know - IT MADE MY HEAD SPIN! And, there are some things that we all need to learn through experience. But, that still leaves ALOT of stuff that Wendy and I need to teach them. And, we can't just "run it by them" and hope they pick up on it. We have to be able teach them in a way that has impact. To me, that is the key - can we teach them how to do certain things in a way they will remember?

What types of things do you hope to teach your kids before they leave home? Things like creating a budget, opening and using a checking accout, managing a credit card properly, etc.

Click HERE for the full article.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Had To Show This

"A Swiss pilot strapped on a jet-powered wing and leaped from a plane Wednesday for the first public demonstration of the homemade device, turning figure eights and soaring high above the Alps…

Passing from free fall to a gentle glide, Rossy then triggered four jet turbines and accelerated to 186 miles per hour, about 65 miles per hour faster than the typical falling skydiver. A plane that flew at some distance beside him measured his speed…

Steering with his body, Rossy dived, turned and soared again, performing what appeared to be effortless loops from one side of the Rhone valley to the other. At times he rose 2,600 feet before descending again.

After one last wave to the crowd the rocket man tipped his wings, flipped onto his back and leveled out again, executing a perfect 360-degree roll.
'That was to impress the girls,' he later admitted."

Click HERE for the full article.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Family Traditions

Cheryl Lant gave a great talk on FAMILY TRADITIONS. It got me thinking...what sort of traditions do I remember growing up with and what sort of traditions do I want to create for our family? Of course, most families have a few "bad" traditions, but what about the good ones?

Family traditions can be social, physical, spiritual, and educational. I ask myself these questions:

  • Are Wendy and I creating traditions that are balanced - some that are 'mortal' in nature AND others that are eternal in nature?

  • Are we creating habits that will lead to well-adjusted kids who can thrive in society?

  • Are we creating traditions that will teach our kids to rely on eternal principles?"
Both are important to the overall happiness and balance in each person. For example, what if the only traditions we have as a family are things like:

  • Family vacation twice a year

  • Boating trips every Saturday during the summer

  • Boys watch football while girls talk during the games : )

Sure, it would be fun for the kids and may do wonders for the family's cohesion. But, what will it generate in the eternal scheme of things? Wouldn't it be better to add in things like:

  • Daily family prayer and scripture reading

  • Regular Family Home Evening

  • Weekly church attendance

  • Service activities

Cheryl Lant asked, "What kinds of traditions do we have?
Some of them may have come from our fathers, and now we are passing them along
to our own children. Are they what we want them to be? Are they based on actions
of righteousness and faith? Are they mostly material in nature, or are they
eternal? Are we consciously creating righteous traditions, or is life just
happening to us? Are our traditions being created in response to the loud voices
of the world, or are they influenced by the still small voice of the Spirit? Are
the traditions that we are creating in our families going to make it easier for
our children to follow the living prophets, or will they make it difficult for

I have two questions for you?

  1. What traditions did you grow up with?
  2. What specific and creative traditions do you want your kids to grow up with?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cool Photos

A friend sent me an email with these photos. I thought you would enjoy:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To all the mothers who read this blog...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I know, I am kissing your little booties (notice how I said "little" booties), but you deserve it.

From my mom, whose advice from over 15 years ago still echoes in my head, to those of you who I don't even know - YOU ARE THE DIFFERENCE MAKERS.

I see it everyday in my own home. Wendy spends everyday doing her best to mold our kids into the best people. I thought of this yesterday while Wendy was telling me about her parent teacher conference with Jared's kindergarten teacher. Jared's teacher raved about Jared's behavior:

  • He is friends with all his classmates.
  • He is a leader in the classroom.
  • He always listens to her.
  • He has received a sticker (an indication of good behavior) everyday this year, which is very rare.
  • He works hard on his school work.

While we are proud of Jared for this, I am just as proud of Wendy. Jared's success is a result of Wendy's hard work. She invests her time and energy into making sure Jared knows how to treat others and how to treat his own life.

The same is true when I watch Rowan treat Reese with care and love. The boys treat their little sister with love and respect.

Consequently, all of this is a tribute to Joyce, who raised Wendy in a way that enabled her to raise our kids the way she does.

There are bad moms out there - fortunately, I have been surrounded by great moms.

To my mom - I am not in prison (yet), I still have a job, and my kids don't have tatoos. Great work!

To my grandma - I think about you everyday. You are a huge example to me and one of the reasons I am not in prison.

To Wendy - (see your Mother's Day card)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Poison and Brocolli


Yesterday, after Jared's basketball practice, he and I went to Wal-Mart (the same Wal Mart mentioned here). On the way in, Jared asked, "Dad, can we get a Dunkin' Donut?" I jokingly told him, "What??!! Are you crazy? That stuff is poision!" His response:

"So what, dad. I like poison way better than brocolli and stuff."

Friday, April 18, 2008

People Really Fall For This?

Here is an email I received today - verbatim:

Hello Dear,

I have Paid the fee for your Cheque Draft.but the manager of Eko Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire.So i told him to cash $1.5 Million all the necessary arrangement of delivering the $1.5 Million in cash was made with FedEx Express Delivery COMPANY LTD.This in the information they need to delivery your package to you.

TEl: +229-951-47-159
TEL: 00229-951-47-159
EMAIL: (infofedexfasterstdelivery@gmail.com)

Please, Send them your contacts information to able them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX.This is what they need from you.

8.CODE NMBER 0140479

Please make sure you send this needed infomation to the Director general of FedEx Express Delivery COMPANY Ltd DR.ALAHAJI MANGAR YARADUA. with the address given to you. Note. The FedEx Express Delivery COMPANY Ltd don't know the contents of the Box. I registered it asa Box of an Africa cloths They don't know it contents money. this is to avoid them
delaying with the Box. don't let them know that is money that is in that Box.I am waiting for your urgent response. You can even call the Director of DR.ALAHAJI MANGAR YARADUA Ltd with this line +229-951-47-159

Thanks and Remain Blessed.


Now wait! If you are 80 or older and reading this - DO NOT SEND YOUR INFO! Who falls for this stuff??

p.s. My apologies ahead of time if you have fallen for this type of scam before. Trust me, some rich African king isn't looking to give away 4.2 billion.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Rednecks and Stuff

Hmmm, I wonder what she's looking at...

Now, I don't want to know!

Can you guess the 2 players that rode the pine?

Primary activity

Teaching the primary kids what to do in case there is a raid and subsueqent shootout with Texas law enforcement. We heard that once they are done with the polygamists, they are coming after "the regular" Mormons.

Rowan at a bounce toy park - DEC 2007

Reese eating rice in her high chair - DEC 2007

Jared and Elle - DEC 2007

Our little rednecks - DEC 2007

Friday, April 4, 2008

Do You Think This Is True?

Rapper Snoop Dogg Converts to Mormonism

By Aaron NicholsCNN

DIAMOND BAR, California (AP) -- In what some may consider an unexpected move, rap artist "Snoop Dogg" has reportedly converted to Mormonism after nearly a year of study with the fast-growing, Utah-based faith.

Snoop Dogg says he "can't get enough of the Book of Mormon."

In a statement, a spokeswoman for Snoop Dogg -- whose real name is Calvin Broadus -- said he considers himself extremely fortunate to have discovered such a deep sense of spiritual fulfillment at this stage in his life.

“Mr. Broadus is also very pleased to find that his family is as enthusiastic about attending church services as he is,” the spokeswoman said.

However, Snoop Dogg has not been enthusiastic about publicly sharing his experience and declined to be interviewed by CNN for this article. In fact, he reportedly informed producers of his E! reality show "Snoop Dogg's Father Hood" that this particular aspect of his family's life was off-limits to the cameras. Still, he left open the possibility of addressing the subject in future episodes.

According to the Associated Press, Snoop Dogg was first introduced to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the Mormon Church is officially known, after attending a Gladys Knight concert in an LDS meeting house in Los Angeles.

Knight, who very publicly discusses her conversion to Mormonism several years ago, invited Snoop Dogg to what is known to the Mormon faithful as “Family Home Evening,” a church program that encourages families to set aside Monday evenings for gospel-centered lessons and family togetherness.

Though Snoop Dogg has been hesitant to publicly discuss his recent spiritual journey, he commented on the experience of attending his first “Family Home Evening” in a recent interview with People Magazine.

“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”

In what Snoop Dogg now thinks was anything but a coincidence, Mormon missionaries had knocked on his door just one week before the Knight concert. He said he had initially turned them away because of what he knew about the strict Mormon health code, which prohibits members from smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs.

“Y’all know me,” he said grinning broadly. “There were just certain things the old me -- the "natural man" -- needed to do. And these young guys are telling me that God’s not down with disrespecting ourselves. But it’s cool now.”

Snoop Dogg said his conversion marks the end of his old life, one that included frequent run-ins with the law. Snoop Dogg was convicted in 1990 of cocaine possession and charged with gun possession after a 1993 traffic stop. In 1997, he pleaded guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence.
In 1996, Snoop Dogg was acquitted of murder after a purported gangbanger was killed by gunfire from the vehicle in which Snoop Dogg was traveling.

Snoop Dogg dismisses critics who claim his conversion is intended to placate a Salt Lake County judge, before whom he is appealing an alleged probation violation.

“Listen, the haters will say what they will,” Snoop Dogg said. “I can only do what I feel is right.”

Aaron Nichols is a CNN producer in Washington. Other contributors include Robert Spencer and Richard Scott Stephens.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Washington Post Article

This article hits it on the head. Many Mormons have thought to themselves:

"Why can't the country understand that Mitt's life IS as it seems. He's not too good to be true. There are millions of others just like him."

But, the great thing is, we will continue to be that type of community - they type of community that others will look to and think, "Wow, that is too good to be true."

  • We stay married
  • Our mothers stay home to raise strong children
  • We live a healthy lifestyle
  • We look happy
  • We feel happy
  • We are disciplined
  • Etc., etc., etc.,

I also feel that many people are looking at the LDS church and thinking, "Wow, that is too good to be true. How can I be like that?" Slowly but surely, more and more people will find themselves wanting shelter from our increasingly evil society and they will look to the Church of Jesus Christ for sanctuary. So, make sure you are ready to do your part by sharing why your life, in comparison to the world, is "too good to be true."

Did Mormons Get A Bounce From Mitt?
By Libby Copeland
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 8, 2008; C01

After Mitt Romney suspended his presidential campaign yesterday, in a speech praising conservative values and criticizing such scourges as liberal judges and France, the question became:

So, was it good for the Mormons?

The Jews like asking that question about themselves. They asked it a lot after Joe Lieberman ran for vice president in 2000, and it was never quite resolved to everyone's satisfaction. (Others are easier. Monica Lewinsky: Bad for the Jews.) Can you blame any minority for asking such a question about themselves? Who doesn't want to be loved?

"Mormons were chased out of the Midwest in the 1840s, and ever since then they've been looking to America for approval," says Bengt Washburn, a Mormon who is also a full-time comedian. (There aren't a lot of those, by the way. In case you were wondering.) Washburn says Mormons he knows will constantly list examples of mainstream Mormons to outsiders. Gladys Knight is a Mormon! Steve Young is a Mormon! Donny! Marie!

It's as if to say, "'See? Mormons aren't weird,'" Washburn says. "Well, yeah, we're weird." But here's the thing, the comedian adds: "All theology standing next to logic is weird."

Maybe that was Romney's mistake, that he tried to make his religion sound palatable to evangelical ears, that he didn't just say that sure, some of my beliefs may sound incredible to outsiders, but then again, a lot of the doings in Bible stories sound incredible to outsiders. (And, as historian Jan Shipps points out, Mormonism is a young faith. The earliest Christians were reviled, too.) But politics doesn't permit that sort of honesty any more than it allows a candidate to say, "My faith is private, okay?"

The truth is, Mormonism is in many ways the epitome of what was considered normalcy, back before the '60s upended everybody's definition. With his handsome tanned face and white teeth, his five square-jawed sons, his gorgeous blond wife and daughters-in-law, his teetotaling ways, his corporate demeanor, Romney broadcast health, uprightness, a life spent on the straight-'n'-narrow.

His campaign put out an ad at one point of Romney jogging, all that fabulous hair slighty mussed. The message seemed clear: Now here is a man vigorous and disciplined. (Take that, John McCain!) Every morning on the campaign trail, he ate the granola his wife made for him herself. How consistent! How homey!

Was he too normal?

We'll come back to that.

Two big things happened to elevate the face of Mormonism in the last decade. One, of course, was Romney running for president. The other was the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002, which Romney took credit for turning around. During the Olympics, the Mormons were "wonderfully gracious" to visitors, as Shipps says, and everyone thought, wow, these Mormons aren't so weird after all.

"The result of this was that a lot of the stereotypes about Mormonism, the negative stereotypes -- that they were clannish, that they were secretive -- that sort of disappeared," says Shipps, who is one of the foremost non-Mormon scholars of the denomination.

But with Romney's candidacy, the scrutiny was different.

"I know Mormons and members of the church that felt like it was a terrible thing that Romney was running because we opened ourselves up to criticism," says Joel Campbell, a Mormon who teaches journalism at Brigham Young University.

"It certainly opens the conversation, but whether the conversation will be a friendly one or a contentious one, I'm not sure," says Shipps. "I do think it alerted a lot of upper-middle-class, exceedingly successful Mormon lawyers and doctors . . . to the reality that not everybody thinks being Mormon is great. If you grow up in the mountain West and you grow up in a Mormon community and you send your kids to church and all the kids are going to school where there's mostly Mormons and there's not a lot of drugs and there's not a lot of crime, everybody thinks, 'Oh, being Mormon is just so wonderful.' And to realize that this is a perception that is very provincial."

This is the nub of it, really. Romney seemed so Mormon, so squeaky clean, so Pollyanna-ish, even. (Remember when he went to Michigan and said he could bring those lost jobs back?) Romney's seeming normalcy isn't the norm anymore. Maybe we understand better those who've strayed or failed and recovered -- or, for that matter, those who aren't fabulously successful and can't put tens of millions into their own campaigns. Maybe we relate to the family lives of other candidates, candidates who have been divorced, who have blended families, whose children don't all campaign with them (and may not even like them). Sure, they're messier, but messy is authentic.

There was more to it than that, of course. Some evangelical voters -- who don't want messy -- see Mormonism as something other than Christianity. Mike Huckabee, an evangelical and former pastor, was speaking to them when he said, "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the Devil are brothers?"

All of this gives Mormons something to chew on for years to come.

Maybe it was all for the good, no matter what, says Campbell. He quotes the prophet Brigham Young on the issue of persecution:

"Every time you kick Mormonism you kick it upstairs."

"That's kind of the optimism of Mormons," Campbell says, adding: "I guess that may sound like Pollyanna or something."