Friday, June 8, 2007

Blue Man Group

Last night, I took some potential clients to see the Blue Man Group. It was at the Venetian in Las Vegas.

Two words: Pure Creativity

Not only is the percussion on PVC pipes impressive, the special effects are incredible. Then, at one point towards the end of the show, there were so many rolls of crepe paper flying around the audience, even Ted Nugent would have been asking himself about the number of trees in question. The paper rolls were all connected to the back of the auditorium. A group of ushers then started pulling the paper and handed it to the last row. Then, everyone passed the paper forward until it reached the front row. I was totally covered with moving paper for at least 5 minutes. It was actually a lot of fun and I was laughing pretty hard.

The lighting, which included strobe lights, was super cool. The special effects were super creative and very entertaining.

The Blue Men (there are 3 of them) actually never say a word, nor do they make any noises with their mouths. In fact, they hardly even change expression. Yet, they are super funny without saying a word.

If you ever have a chance to see the Blue Man Group, I recommend it.

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